While browsing our website is Free to the General Public, certain areas hold protected Member-Only content and require a paid membership to access. Below are the Membership Levels and Descriptions. A few of these membership levels include Member-Only perks as a Thank You for supporting what we do. After you select a Membership Level and make the neccessary payment, you will be sent an Activation Email to complete your registration. If you have any questions at all, feel free to send us an email to sales@statelinesummerjam.com

Gives you Access to Member-Only Giveaways AND Pre-Announcements only available to Paid Members! Get the Scoop on things 1-2 weeks earlier than the General Public!



Membership Will Automatically Expire On 12/31/2025

Get the Bronze perks AND Special Announcements only available to higher level Members. You will also receive a Special Guest Lanyard with your name on it to wear proudly at the event!



Membership Will Automatically Expire On 12/31/2025

Everything in Silver plus the Live Streams! You will also receive an Honorable Guest Lanyard with your name on it to wear proudly at the event!



Membership Will Automatically Expire On 12/31/2025

Everything in Gold plus any future Member’s Only perks as they become available! You will also receive a VIP Lanyard with your name on it to wear proudly at the event!



Membership Will Automatically Expire On 12/31/2025

All-Levels Inclusive plus a pair of 2-Day Passes to the Live Event AND two (2) Official Festival Tees!



Membership Will Automatically Expire On 12/31/2025

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This season’s Online Memberships are available for purchase until July 1st, 2025. Membership purchase will be unavailable between July 2nd, 2025 and January 1st, 2026, during which time Member-Only pre-event and post-event content will be posted as well as the Event Live Stream. Don’t miss out…Get Access to Member-Only Content TODAY!

EMAIL: info@statelinesummerjam.com

PHONE: (509) 868-5342